Bouncing Back From Burnout
Apr 11, 2024This week on the Find Me the Money Podcast, I'm talking with Emilie Aries, the founder and CEO of Bossed Up. We discuss burnout and how it impacts divorcing women.
Burnout is not just an issue related to work, it’s a very real thing that is affected by chronic stressors in all areas of life. Emilie is helping us by breaking down burnout, showing us how to spot it, and giving us some steps to take to get to a healthier place.
Warning Signs of Burnout
Some of the warning signs of burnout include physical and emotional exhaustion, as well as feelings of cynicism and detachment. One of the biggest contributing factors to women feeling burnt out is role overload. Imagine your limited resources of time, effort, and attention being constantly competed for and it is impossible to get everything right.
This is often the case for women during marriage and divorce. They are often shouldering more of the burden when it comes to raising the children, even if they're working full-time. And while being a parent is often fulfilling, it can get exhausting when your spouse isn't contributing equally to the workload.
You may feel like you simply don't have enough time in the day.
Steps to Take if You are Burned Out
Emilie has some strategies for preventing burnout and steps you can take if you suspect you’re headed toward burnout. These steps may feel difficult, but during your divorce, you have to radically take care of yourself and put your needs at the forefront.
- Setting boundaries
- Prioritizing sleep and time alone
- Finding your sense of purpose
- Plug into your community
- Get professional support
Most importantly, know that you are not alone and that other women are facing burnout during divorce, and there are resources available to help you. Listen to this important conversation now.