Divorce Confessions
Jan 04, 2024Divorce feels really emotional and it is usually a season of extreme change and loss. Sometimes, though, you need a laugh. Divorce can cause events and changes that are honestly worthy of a dark comedy and can make you wonder if you are being punked. Rob Roseman, a divorced dad and the founder of WTF Divorce, is this week's guest on my podcast Find Me The Money. He's sharing some divorce confessions, WTF moments, and a lot of laughs.
Rob’s “divorce confessions” on social media have been a popular way to add humor and bring levity to a heavy topic. The confessions from his audience have common themes including the challenges of co-parenting and dating after divorce. Do any of these resonate with you:
- Having mixed feelings at the time of divorce, both loving and hating your ex at the same time
- Possibly still desiring your ex in some ways, or maybe just missing the companionship
- Co-parenting with a narcissist is hard
There is a huge range of emotions at the end of a marriage, and some of them may catch you by surprise. From missing your ex, to romanticizing the life you once had together, there is a lot to feel.
Rob and I talked about the inspiration for creating his platform and the lack of resources for men in the divorce community. While it can seem like men don't need the same support women do, this simply isn't true! Rob described his rough experience of feeling very isolated going through his own divorce and trying to find community.
Have a listen to this less intense episode for a lighter take on the divorce experience. Not everything has to be serious! Sometimes you just need to laugh. And… listen through the whole episode to hear us talk about dating after divorce!