Financial Triage During Divorce

Oct 17, 2024

Just like the emergency room of a hospital, where triage is done to address the most critical patients first....  "financial triage" is important during big life transitions like divorce. You must focus on the most important or most critical things first. When you’re divorcing, start by focusing on your immediate needs and resources. How much is coming in? How much is going out? And where can you make some moves to gain financial ground? Rebuilding savings after divorce requires strategic spending choices and taking advantage of opportunities for additional income.

Jennifer Lee, a financial advisor in Sarasota, Florida, is my guest this week on the Find Me The Money podcast. Her firm, Modern Wealth, focuses on helping people who are experiencing transition, and that includes divorce, the death of a spouse, retirement or sale of a business.  It is so important to have a strong relationship with a financial advisor during these times. 

We discuss the fear and intimidation that often comes with seeking financial advice, especially for women going through divorce. Financial planning really can be simple, and Jennifer simplifies the process by focusing on two key questions: What do you have? What do you want? She encourages clients to take control of their finances and make strategic choices to achieve their goals. 

Tune in to hear about the Family Love Letter, and why it can be such an important tool when planning your financial future.


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