Finding Hidden Income in Divorce Cases

divorce Sep 20, 2023

Do you think your spouse may be attempting to hide income or assets in your divorce? One spouse commonly has control over the money in the marriage, either by virtue of being the major breadwinner, or by controlling spending, or both. The spouse in the lesser financial position should take immediate proactive steps to protect herself or himself in the divorce. ex-spouse will have with them. By being aware of some of the most common schemes used to hide income and assets, you may be more likely to see the signs.

Some of the more common schemes used to hide money in divorces include:

  • Stashing cash – It is not uncommon for an estranged spouse to start stashing money around the house, in a safe deposit box, or with trusted friends or relatives. By not keeping the funds in a bank or brokerage account, the spouse is hoping you won’t know of the money’s existence. Pay close attention to transactions that involve cash vaporizing into thin air: large ATM withdrawals, depositing checks but receiving a large amount of cash back, the sale of assets with no paper trail or no deposit to known accounts.
  • Purchasing items that are easily overlooked or undervalued – Everyone notices a new home or a new car, but who is paying attention to works of art, valuable home furnishings, or technological toys? While some spouses are paying close attention to these types of things, many are not, and  this is one great way to reduce cash while secretly increasing hidden assets.

  • Underreporting of income on income tax returns – Divorcing spouses may deliberately underreport income on their income tax returns, hoping to deprive the other spouse of her or his share of the income. Forensic accounting techniques can be used to uncover such a scheme, however.
  • Having an employer withhold regular pay, commissions, or bonuses – Particularly in closely held businesses (whether your spouse is the owner, or an employee) the danger exists that management will withhold pay at the request of the spouse to negatively impact any child support or alimony that may be owed. Once the divorce or child support action is settled, the employer pays out all of the withheld pay. Be aware of this issue, particularly if your spouse suddenly had reduced pay or failed to receive a normal bonus or commission.
  • Overpaying creditors – It is not unusual for a creative spouse to overpay the IRS or other creditors during a divorce, with the intention of receiving a refund after the divorce proceedings end. The money is shifted away from the marital estate so the spouse can’t lay claim to it, and later the overpayments are refunded to the benefit of the scheming spouse.
  • Establishing accounts in the names of others – Beware of the risk that your spouse may put assets in the name of a child, a girlfriend or boyfriend, a family member, or a friend. The intention is to hide money in the account and then get it back after the divorce is finalized. It may be hard to find out about such accounts, but there are often financial clues left behind as these accounts are established.
  • Transferring assets – It is not uncommon for a spouse to give or sell assets to a friend or relative during a divorce. Often the “sale” will be at less than fair market value, suggesting it is a sham transaction which will be reversed after the divorce is final.  Making lists of known assets early in the divorce process is critical, so the non-moneyed spouse has a better chance of tracking down the assets of which she or he may be entitled to a portion.
  • Other sham transactions – Divorcing parties may “loan” money to friends or family, “start a business” with someone (which coincidentally eats up tons of cash and valuable assets that are part of the marital estate), or otherwise participate in transactions designed to reduce or hide assets from the spouse.

Being aware of the red flags of fraud in divorce is the first step to uncovering your spouse’s misdeeds. The second step is involving a competent forensic accountant who can help investigate these matters. You’ll need an expert in tracing funds and looking for clues to the diversion or dissipation of assets. If a forensic accountant is out of your reach, the Divorce Money Guide will help you learn how to track down these items on your own.

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