Introducing the Marriage Money Guide

marriage Nov 29, 2022

This summer I introduced our flagship product, the Divorce Money Guide. It is all about helping people who have questions about the finances in their marriage. Whether someone is thinking about the possibility of divorce or actively in the process of divorce, this guide helps them "be their own forensic accountant" and dig into the numbers with some super simple steps.

But as I was creating the Divorce Money Guide, I wondered if there wasn't a better way. What if I could help people AVOID financial problems in their marriages? What if I could show them how to protect their money before they got married?

And that is how the Marriage Money Guide (for women) came to be!

I'm giving you another EASY ten step process for looking at your finances and thinking about how you will manage the money with your husband. I walk you through the money management choices you have: Will you combine your money or keep it separate?

I talk you through a prenuptial agreement and why it might be important for you, even if you don't think you have enough money to warrant it. I give you tips for having the "money talk" with your soon-to-be husband. We talk about establishing a budget for you as a married couple. And I show you red flags of financial fraud that you should be aware of, just in case you do experience financial troubles in your marriage.

This guide, like the others we've created, includes videos to walk you through all of it. And we've got worksheets and checklists to help you sort out the money. Worksheets like "The Dos and Don'ts of Sharing Expenses" and "Tips For Talking About the Money."

We've even got a Marriage Money Management quiz to help you find out which method of money management might work best for you once you're married.

As always, I've got some bonus content to help you too:

  • Money and Legal Moves to Make (all the things you should do after you get married to protect your money)
  • Account Tracker (to help keep track of all those bank and credit cards you and your husband now have)
  • Navigating a Second Marriage (the special issues you have to think about if this is your second time around)

The Marriage Money Guide is only $247, and for the next week, you can take $50 off with the coupon code INTRO as my thank you for supporting us from the start! Let me help you get your marriage off on the right financial foot, so you can feel confident and protected when it comes to your money.

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    The Divorce Money Guide

    This Is Your Key to Finding Hidden Money and Assets

    This Guide walks you through everything you need to know to find out exactly what your family's money was spent on and to uncoverĀ hidden financial fraud inĀ your marriage.

    This is your chance to find the money.... before you agree to any settlement in your divorce.


    Get the Guide