Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage

podcast Jan 11, 2024

Are you struggling with the decision to get divorced? Are you at a crossroads in your marriage, and unsure how to move forward? Are you in the middle of a messy divorce and in need of support? Do you wish someone could give you a handbook to help you get through your divorce... a go-to guide to help navigate the hard conversations?

You can find all of that and more in Kate Anthony's new book, The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage. I've read the book and I had Kate on my Find Me The Money podcast to talk about this fabulous accomplishment.

The D Word is THE book women have been waiting for when it comes to the issue of divorce. If you want to feel seen, Kate definitely sees you. Her descriptions of what you're going through are going to hit home. You will see yourself in these stories, and you will finally have the tools and the words to work through your divorce struggles.

Kate wrote this book for women who are considering divorce or in the process of divorce as a tool to help them evaluate their marriage, plan for the divorce, protect themselves, and ultimately get through the divorce process in a better way. It is no mystery that many women are unhappy in their marriages, and Kate explains why this is the case. (A hint: Whether you are a stay at home mom or working outside of the home, the pressure of day to day life in the home, family, and with work is crushing many women.)

The decision to get divorced is often a result of years of unhappiness and multiple attempts to improve the relationship. Having the divorce conversation with your husband requires assertiveness and clarity, and it is important for women to stand firm in their decisions. Kate gives you a foolproof guide to talking with your husband about divorce and checklists to help you figure out what you want to do next.

Kate shares so many stories in her book about the patterns women can find themselves in and how it can be easy to get stuck in a failing marriage or even a downright abusive marriage. She outlines a healthy relationship checklist because it isn't always easy to spot unhealthy patterns on our own. Kate also encourages women to dig deep and be honest about how you feel when you are around your spouse. Do you feel judged, criticized, anxious, and nervous or unsafe? It is important to listen to these feelings. 

The D Word also outlines the various types of abusive relationships, because sometimes it can be hard to figure out whether we're actually a victim of abuse or not. In our podcast episode, Kate and I talked about  financial abuse in particular. It is extremely important to have financial autonomy in your marriage. The book contains a financial checklist that I, as a financial expert, thought was right on target!

This is a phenomenal book, and Kate has some wonderful practical advice in this episode of the podcast. Give it a listen today.

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