PREPARE For Divorce

Feb 08, 2024

Too many women go into their divorce process unprepared for what is to come. Being ready for the financial issues is extremely important, but I have seen my clients start their divorces at a disadvantage. I have created the solution to the problem: PREPARE For Divorce.

I want you to go into your divorce confident in your knowledge. You need to know everything possible about your family's finances before you make any decisions about the money.

Let me help you get on solid financial footing as you begin your divorce process, and use our new guide to help you be ready. PREPARE For Divorce is a guide that features an ebook and video guides that walk you through the process of understanding your finances and gathering the important financial documents.

  • Learn what will happen during the financial part of your divorce
  • Know how to choose the right attorney
  • Get your account statements and tax returns without waiting for your ex
  • Know what to give your attorney to help move the process forward and save you money on legal fees

This cost-effective guide is only $147, and sets you up to handle the money issues confidently. You'll know how to get your account statements and tax returns, and you'll have a method for organizing them so you know what you have and can get your attorney what he or she needs.

Let me walk you through the early stages of your divorce and help put you in a position to get all of the money and assets that you're entitled to.

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    The Divorce Money Guide

    This Is Your Key to Finding Hidden Money and Assets

    This Guide walks you through everything you need to know to find out exactly what your family's money was spent on and to uncoverĀ hidden financial fraud inĀ your marriage.

    This is your chance to find the money.... before you agree to any settlement in your divorce.


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