Protect Your Money By Planning For Your Divorce

Jun 13, 2024

The divorce process will go a lot smoother for you if you have a plan. You need to protect yourself and your money before, during, and after your divorce. On this week's episode of Find Me the Money, Tracy appears solo to help you prepare for the divorce process.

Divorce is already expensive, but a lack of planning can be costly. You'll want to be strategic about your plan and have as many answers as possible to questions that haven't even been asked yet, like:

  • How will you hire the right attorney?
  • How much will this divorce cost? How much can you afford?
  • Do I know about all of the money in my marriage?
  • What do you want from the divorce negotiations regarding the assets, the child custody, support, etc.?
  • What are your non-negotiables?

Having thought through these questions will help you keep a business approach to your divorce and keep the emotions under control, so you can get what you deserve in your divorce. You'll save time and time is money when it comes to attorney fees.

If you take the initiative to understand the divorce process, gather as many documents as you can, and have them organized and ready for your attorney to present in court, you'll be well on your way to a better settlement.

Get a forensic accountant's view on this week's newest episode of the Find Me The Money podcast, Protect Your Money By Planning For Your Divorce.

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